Norva24 Code of Conduct clarifies the values and principles that govern our relationships with our employees, suppliers, customers business partners, investors, and other relevant stakeholders such as public authorities. It serves as a starting point for all the Group’s relevant policies and rules. A number of policies are summarised in the Code, including Corporate governance, IT, Information security, Data protection, HR, Information, Finance, Insider and Sustainability.
Code of conduct
- Norva24 Code of Conduct English 2023-12-11
- Norva24 Verhaltenskodex German 2023-12-11
- Norva24 Etiske retningslinjer Norwegian 2023-12-11
- Norva24 Adfærdskodeks Danish 2023-12-11
- Norva24 Uppförandekod Swedish 2023-12-11
- Insider Policy English 2021-04-28