
Goals and performance

Norva24 have set two strategic focus targets:

– Increase the share of its green services to its clients

Norva24 strives to make it easy for its customers to make green choices, by supporting customers in making more environmentally friendly decisions. A central part is the ambition to continually develop new green services, which is defined as services that are more environmentally sustainable than current alternatives on the market. In 2021, the share of green services was 20 % in Norway and 13,9 % in Denmark. Additional data from Germany and Sweden will be reported as from 2022.

– Reduce the relative energy consumption (kWh/revenue)

Since 2021 Norva24 focus on reducing the relative energy consumption from own operations (kWh/operating revenue x 100). In 2021, the relative energy consumption x 100 was 4,90 for the operations in Norway and 6,22 in Denmark. Additional data from Germany and Sweden will be reported as from 2022.

Summary of sustainability topics, targets/KPIs and contribution to the SDGs
Topic Strategic focus/target Result 2021 Contribution to the SDGs
Greener services for mainte-nance of the underground infrastructure (sewerage systems) to ensure water quality, cope with increasing urbanization and -capacity demand, and adapting to extreme weather events -created by climate change. Increase the share of its green services to its clients (revenue of green services/operating revenue).
Base year 2021 for Norway
and Denmark.
Base year 2022 for Germany
and Sweden.
Share Norway 20.0% 

Denmark 13.9%

SDG 6: Ensure availability, and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. 

SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, -resilient, and sustainable.

SDG 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.

Actively to reduce the -energy consumption from own -operations. Reduce the relative energy consumption (kWh/revenue x 100).
Base year 2021 for Norway
and Denmark.
Base year 2022 for Germany
and Sweden.
Norway 4.90 

Denmark 6.22.

SDG 7.3: Double the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency.
Prevent accidents and other work-related illness. Accidents resulted in a leave
of absence.
Zero harm.
34 accidents (49 2020) -r-esulted in a leave of absence. SDG 8: Decent work for all.
Promote diversity, inclusion, and equal opportunities in workplace. Zero tolerance against any form of discrimination or harassment.
A whistle blower system was implemented in the beginning of 2022. Norva24 will follow up and report in 2022.
SDG 5: Gender equality and
SDG 10: Inclusion of all.
Trusted partner to our -customers, business partners, suppliers, and the communities where Norva24 operates. Zero tolerance against any form of corruption.
A whistle blower system was implemented in the beginning of 2022. Norva24 will follow up and report in 2022.
SDG 16: Accountability and -actions against any form of -corruption.